Streeton Lawyers has extensive experience in all aspects of criminal law.
There are a number of offences relating to ‘breaking and entering’. The type of break and enter offence that the police charge you with will be dependent on: If and when you broke into or out of the house, and Whether you intended or actually committed a serious indicatable offence. A dwelling-house is considered any… Read more »
Larceny, or stealing, is a criminal offence in New South Wales that can carry a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment. There are a number of elements to an offence of larceny that police must prove beyond a reasonable doubt, they are as follows: That the property belonged to another person; The property must be… Read more »
The offence of goods in custody is committed if a person has anything in their custody which may reasonably be suspected of being stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained.
Fraud offences in NSW have recently undergone reform. Until recently, there existed a large number of fraud offences. The recent changes have introduced a new general fraud offence under Section 192E of the Crimes Act 1900.
Centrelink Fraud involves intentionally obtaining money not entitled to from Centrelink. It is an offence that is treated seriously by the courts. Penalties range from 12 months to 10 years imprisonment.
In NSW, employers have an obligation to obtain insurance to cover injured workers. In turn, employees may receive financial support if they are eligible for compensation. If, however, a person is fraudulent or falsifies a claim they may be held criminally responsible. Fraud on Workers Compensation Scheme Under section 235A of the Workplace Injury Management… Read more »
Making a false tax declaration without having a reasonable excuse can result in both individual and businesses being exposed to significant financial penalties from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). If the ATO has identified that you have made a false or misleading tax declaration they will likely issue you with an infringement notice. However, depending… Read more »
Failing to lodge a tax return can result in criminal charges, a criminal record and even a jail sentence.